Saturday, November 13, 2010

Random Thoughts Today while Running

I ran 5 miles today. It took me 1 hour and 19 minutes and I am happy with that time. I am ecstatic with that time!  Since it is good for me and I kept up the pace for 5 miles. Anything under 16 minute miles is good for me. I am approximately 100 pounds overweight so this is good.

I feel healthy even though I might not look it. I feel good about myself - I don't care if others see me running and think wow is she slow or looks like a big fat girl running. Yes! that is what I am. A big girl but I can run 5 miles!! I am not saying I shouldn't lose weight for my health. I should and I am working on it and I will!! Because I am committed to being healthy.

I recently turned 50 and even though I am pretty healthy already I want to continue that.  I have only been married to the love of my life for 5 years and I want to enjoy many more years of health with him. I am enjoying life more than ever lately and life is good. I don't want to say "I can't" anymore because I weigh over 200 pounds. I want to say YES to life! 

It is worth turning down sweets and pizza and ice cream and alcoholic beverages. It is worth running even when I don't feel like it (like this morning).  It is worth having to think about portion size and quality of my food if it will keep me healthy. So I want to lose weight so I can look better, buy cute clothes, and dazzle my husband (but he says I already do that) :)  But the main reason I want to lose weight is to be healthy.

Smile!! and do a good deed for someone - you will feel better about yourself.


  1. These are great running thoughts, the kind that keep you motivated and inspired.

    Look at you, running 5 miles on any random morning. You should be so proud of yourself!

  2. I love this post so much, Donna! You are doing this on your terms and in your time. It's not about being some magical number by a certain day. It's about the fact that you are fit and got out there and ran 5 miles today. You rock!!
